Decimals in quick facts not appearing
Hi, on this page I would like to use quick facts for showing some KPIs.
The problem is that if I put a decimal number it does not display. For example if I write 6.5 only 6 is displayed.
Even looking at the html I see that in the span there is only the number 6. How can I solve this?
Here's the link
Quick Fact element does not handle such separators, and there is no option to achieve that unfortunately.
Best regards
So are you telling me that if I have to put a decimal number like 6.5 I can't do that? Very bad.
I'm pretty sure I read in a previous discussion that it could be done, I'll put the link here
In the discussion, your colleague Pablo sends a screenshot, which I link you to below, in which you can see entering a decimal number:
Can you explain it to me?
What you found is an ancient topic.
It never worked this way. Unfortunately, I do not know where Pablo took this information from.
It is hard to implement from the technical side.
Best regards
Well, that's unfortunate, I really need to have decimals there...
Sadly, I am not able to help you with that.
Best regards