Editor blank - invisible content
I've tried everything I can think of to edit these standard blocks.
Every once in a while we just want to not be forced to BeBuilder.
That the blocks are created but not editable is crazy to us.
Please view https://app.screencast.com/ml4bxk1pfPpZX
What am I doing wrong?
Ensure that you do not have WordPress Editor disabled in Betheme -> Theme option -> Global -> Advanced:
If this option is set to "Show," please turn off all of the plugins, refresh your cache, and check if the problem persists.
That did it, thank you.
That was very hard to find.
I'm sure this is probably covered in a video somewhere but I searched and searched and found nothing on it. I don't like having to ask for help so much, but I had no choices remaining.
I still recommend you get some transcript of your videos and make that searchable. There is so much self help that people could get if they didn't have to wade through an entire video just to find the answer wasn't there. And then do that several times.
Thanks for the help
Happy Holidays