Woo commerce product amount drop down picker not working

Hi there,

I have just noticed an issue with the Woo Commerce product page where I can add a product to the cart but I cannot select multiples. Also when proceeding to checkout page, unable to also increase the number of a particular product.

When I check the inspector it tells me that "JQuery not defined" and I can see the the admin.js file gets called before the Jquery script is initialized. Obviously the admin.js file calls a JQuery method which is causing the upset. Not sure how this has happened or if a plugin has put it out of place.

I get the following errors in the console log:

ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined
TypeError: config.merchantConfig is null

Website shop page is at http://kawanabaitandtackle.com.au/shop/ (private password is kbt2015)
I'm fairly sure this was not happening when originally setting up woo commerce product pages. Is there anything I can do to fix the issue?


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