410.php made from 404.php throws errors

Hey there, 

I think this is very important for SEO (because 410 is underestimated for relaunchs)

I cloned my 404.php to a 410.php and try to use it for Gone pages:

ErrorDocument 410 /wp-content/themes/betheme/410.php
Redirect Gone /removed

but I get this: 

Fatal error: Call to undefined function mfn_opts_get() in .../wp-content/themes/betheme/410.php on line 10

Could you please give me a hint why 404.php is working fine with these functions and 410.php is not? 

all the best,


  • Hi,

    the code you presented above can be used under .htaccess file so we don't think this is a good solution for php files. We recommend to have a look into Google to check where you did the mistake exactly. Also please notice that we do not offer files modifications so we won't be able to modify theme code for you.

    Thanks for understanding!
  • edited August 2015
    Hey there,

    sorry I made not clear:

    I set via .htaccess that the file /wp-content/themes/betheme/410.php
    is the default Gone Page!

    this is working when I'm using the default page (which looks ugly and is not appropriate)
    by using: ErrorDocument 410 default

    in the .htaccess. 

    So you see I'm completely aware where to put this commands. 

    OK next: 

    I'm not asking for theme modifications, but I'm asking a literally very very important here! I'm not sure why everyone in the theming world does not provide 410 pages!!! So even in your betheme I have to care about a 410 page by myself! So a little help from your site is appropriate!

    So what I'm asking is: 

    When I redirect 410 Errors (through .htaccess) to a 410.php in the betheme directory I get these template errors. Even if the 410.php is an exact clone from 401.php. 

    all the best and thank you for helping,


  • And again, I'm promoting your theme at YouTube a lot and drive you a lot of sales. 
    (I personally know more than 20 customers who bought your theme!) 

    And to stick with the facts:

    This is the 3rd question I do not get a nice and clear answer here the last 2 weeks. 

    I always feel very very misunderstood! Please improve your care you put into customers questions. 

    thank you, 
  • edited August 2015
    We understand that you may be not satisfied if you ask about files modifications (because obviously this is what you ask for as this option is not included) because we simply do not offer such customizations. Also we do not support 410 pages because since over 4 years working with wordpress this is 1st time when someone is asking that option. You must understand that we can not add any single option that any user will imagine. If we got more questions related with a feature, then we consider it. Also, if you have any suggestions and you think that something what does not exist, should be added, you should leave a suggestion on http://forum.muffingroup.com/betheme/discussion/113/your-suggestions-for-future-updates because this is the place where from we get all ideas for updates. We really appreciate if you can have a look at http://themeforest.net/page/support_definition?_ga=1.252041097.1834590770.1427353056 to understand what is included into item support.

    Anyway, we can have a look on it of course but if we'll notice the problem related with the code inside file, then we won't be able to help. So please send us private message with access to your FTP and we'll see how the files looks like and what you did wrong.

    Thanks for understanding :)
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