Please help me configure my header

I purchased Be theme a couple days ago in order to migrate my current site ( to a more stable theme.
I have spent over 8 hours just trying to port my landing page.  Here is what I have so far (
Here is what I see on my new landing page: a black bar, a white menu bar, a grey bar with bread crumbs.  
Can you tell me how to remove the bread crumb bar, and turn the other two green?
Hopefully this will help me understand your documentation a little better.



  • Update ... actually I have been making some progress.

    If you take a look at you will see that I have made some progress in duplicating my original site, but I still have some issues.  In particular, I would like to remove the bread crum bar from the landing page.  Any suggestions?

  • Almost midnight now.  It looks like I got rid of the bread-crumb bar, but still have a few more issues.

    My main concern now is that the top bar menu collapses too quickly.  What I mean is that the menu converts to a 3-bar icon even when the width of the window is wide enough to accommodate all of the menu items.  

    I tried right alignment and left alignment.  But, either way, the menu collapses into 3-bars much too quickly.  My concern is that my users will not know what to do when they see the 3-bar icon, so I would prefer that the menu item simply stack (or wrap) rather than collapse.  
  • Hi,

    If you want to change this behave, please take a look at where we explained how to change moment when responsive menu activate.
  • I followed the link and found the suggestion to change css/responsive-1240.css or css/responsive-960.css file. On line 5  I replaced 1240 with 900 to fix the problem.  But as others pointed out, this fix will be overwritten every time the theme is updated.
    @media only screen and (min-width: 1240px) {
  • Yes, exactly. But this is the only way to do what you need.
  • Is it possible to put my modified responsive-1240.css file in a child theme to avoid having it overwritten in subsequent releases?
  • This is unfortunately impossible because child theme works only with style.css file.
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