Equal Height Columns and Spacing Between Columns
2 Queries:
Equal Height Columns
Can we set columns inside a full width container to be equal heights.
Spacing Between Columns
In many situations will look even better with no spacing between columns. Is it possible to set it?
I am primarily using Visual Composer.
1. This could be possible with css but we can only now if you will send us url to website where you got those columns. You can also use some empty p or br tags inside and this should work for what you need.
2. If you will send url to page where you don't want spacing, then we can have a look on it. But this probably will affect all columns and some of them may look not good.
i search for the same solution for the first issue.
Can you send us the css code for this?
I have three trailer boxes and one column with background in one section group.
screenshot: 2015.stb-kutscher.de/wp-content/uploads/Bildschirmfoto-2015-09-11-um-15.45.47.png
My bad solution will be a list of breakpoints to have an switch of height by resolution...