Equal Height Columns and Spacing Between Columns

2 Queries:

Equal Height Columns
Can we set columns inside a full width container to be equal heights.

Spacing Between Columns
In many situations will look even better with no spacing between columns. Is it possible to set it?

I am primarily using Visual Composer.


  • Hi,

    1. This could be possible with css but we can only now if you will send us url to website where you got those columns. You can also use some empty p or br tags inside and this should work for what you need.

    2. If you will send url to page where you don't want spacing, then we can have a look on it. But this probably will affect all columns and some of them may look not good.
  • Hey muffingroup,

    i search for the same solution for the first issue.
    Can you send us the css code for this?

    I have three trailer boxes and one column with background in one section group.

    Thanks :)
  • @florianibe Please send us url to page where you got these boxes and also please send us screenshot with necessary changes so we can avoid confuse.
  • 2015.stb-kutscher.de

    screenshot: 2015.stb-kutscher.de/wp-content/uploads/Bildschirmfoto-2015-09-11-um-15.45.47.png

    My bad solution will be a list of breakpoints to have an switch of height by resolution...
  • Ok. So to set equal height for blue text box on the right side you must use below css:
    1. #Leistungsbloecke .column_trailer_box, #Leistungsbloecke .trailerboxcolumn { height: 220px !important; }
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