Top menu

The top menu is not as wide as the rest of the page. When you scroll down and the menu is sticky then it is just as wide as the rest of the page. I made a test site at

And now i have some text in the header, but i want it to be empty. How can i adjust it so there is now default logo showing up. (Be theme logo)



  • It's not the same width because of your settings but below css will increase this width:
    #Top_bar .top_bar_left { width: 1240px !important; }
    But to remove logo, please use below code:
    #Top_bar .logo { display: none !important; }
  • Thanks, it works fine!
  • The color of the link that is active works for al buttons in the menu, but not for the home button. You say above that i have not the same settings, but i didn't change anything. Just imported the demo and only changed the pages but nothing in the css. What do i need to change?

  • Does above css helped or not? If not, then please explain what else you want to do. Also please tell us what demo did you imported exactly? Maybe this is how demo was created and how supposed to look like?
  • Above code works.

    The one thing that i now needs to be fixed is the active links. In the top menu the active links works but not for the home button. If i click a button i go to the page and the button is a different color so you can see that is is activated. But when i click the home button i go to the page but the button is not the color of the an active link. I used the vision theme, i gave a link in my first comment.
  • Ok. Please change the link for home item because this should be link to homepage, not /home/. This should be link to domain only.
  • Thanks that works!
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