Errors on installing 4 plugins
I get the following error messages while installing these plugins:
- Slider Revolution: impossibile copiare il file. revslider/admin/assets/imports/levanorestaurantbar/slide4.jpg
- Envato WordPress Toolkit: La directory di destinazione esiste già. /home/mhd-01/
- Layer Slider: Impossibile copiare il file. LayerSlider/demos/v5/
- Visual Composer: Impossibile copiare il file. js_composer/assets/css/lib/vc-open-iconic/fonts/vc_openiconic.eot
please paste this information in English language.
Plugin install failed.
Slider Revolution, Layer Slider and Visual Composer - this looks like plugins files can not be imported because of limits on server side. If your admin won't be able to fix it, then you can try to upload plugins via FTP into plugin folder.
Envato WordPress Toolkit - this plugin does not work since Envato changed their API. More details about this you can read on