Creative menu text alignment left, submenu below main, social icons

Dear Muffin,

Ive been searching the menu thread for a couple of hours now and I can't find a solution to these 3 questions:

1. Can the menu text have a left alignment (demo data from Story is loaded)?
2. Can the sub menu be placed below the main menu (see screenshot)?
3. Is there a way to place Social media icons on the bottom (see screenshot)?

Thanks you



  • Hi,

    please send us url to site where you got this header style and we'll have a look on it.
  • Hi,

    Sorry forgot to mention that, Im running the site via MAMP local... :(
  • So let us know when site will be online because without url to your site, we won't be able to check. 2nd point for example can not be sorted but for points 1 and 3 we need url.
  • Oke, Thank you.

    I will let you know when the site is up!
  • Dear Muffin,

    I've got the website online now (! I've already made some changes to the design so the above screen shot is not up to date any more.

    I've still got 3 questions:
    1. Is it possible to change the Social media buttons in de menu bottom
    2. Is it possible to show only the open categories filter on the BLOG part of the homepage (just like the portfolio part of the homepage) ?
    3. Is it possible to add padding between the blog items on the homepage (just like the portfolio part, I want to use the blog template because i prefer the way the heading is placed on the items)

  • 1. What exactly you want to change? Their size, color or what?
    2. Yes, you can do this with below css:
    .style-simple .column_blog #Filters .filters_wrapper ul.categories {
        display: block !important;

    .style-simple .column_blog #Filters .filters_wrapper {
        display: block !important;
    .style-simple .column_blog #Filters .filters_wrapper ul.tags, .style-simple .column_blog #Filters .filters_wrapper ul.authors { display: none !important; }

    .style-simple .column_blog #Filters .filters_buttons { display: none !important; }
    3. You can add margin between items with below css:
    .posts_group.masonry.tiles.col-3 .post-item {
        margin: 0 0.5% !important;
        width: 31.33%;
  • Hi Muffin,

    Thank you for the CSS code! They work flawless! :D!

    About the social media icons, can they be changed? Or is it only possible to change the color of the icons?

    Again, thanks a million for the other solutions!
  • Social media icons can not be changed unfortunately. But you can change their colors if you want with below css:
    #Header_creative .social li a { color: #FFF !important; }
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