Custom Breakpoint for the Stack Header


I'm interested in changing the breaking point for the Stack Header or ".header-stack #Top_bar." Right now the menu switches for responsive purposes to a hamburger button and and a smaller version of the header logo at 767px wide. What specific files would I need to modify for it to switch at 777px instead?

The reason I wanted to do this is for the fact that I'm using an alternate image in my Revolutionary Slider on mobile devices, which seems to apply on tablets as well. I don't mind this but on iPad the logo is much larger and overlaps the illustration that I'm trying to showcase. This overlapping makes the illustration obscured and the menu links difficult to read. Can someone help point me in the right direction for customization?

Thanks in advance,
- Jarod Octon


  • Hi,

    please look at where we explained how to change this breakpoint.

  • Hi,

    I've read through your suggested discussion, but it seems particular to the menu breakpoint. I've already customized the menu breakpoints. I'm trying to change the breakpoint for the header. Please refer to the screenshots below. I'd like the header to switch to the mobile version at 777px wide instead of 766px. If this was already detailed in the previously suggested discussion, my apology, but I did not see it on either page.


  • P.S. -

    To be clear, I'm referring to the black container fixed at the top (as seen in the screenshot directly above).

    If I only customized the menu breakpoint to 777px wide, without adjusting the stack header as well, the result would look like the screenshot below. 


    Notice the "hamburger" / menu button is positioned to the lower left? This icon should be to the right of the responsive logo (rather than the large logo). I need to contain these elements within the missing black header.

    Thanks again.  

  • We do not have such media screens included into theme. It is possible to start responsive menu from 767px and this is what you already did. We checked your site already and everything works like should. There is nothing else what you can do here because all other modifications needs much more advanced changes in the code.
  • Understood.

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