Factory default theme lost HELP !!

Hi, I've been messing with the Betheme options. Everything was great when suddenly I lost the default "Factory" theme. How can I get it back to where it was initially ? Thank's


  • Hi,

    can you explain how you lost it? If you lost all pages and settings completely, then we recommend to import this demo once again from BeTheme Demo Data > Demo section.
  • Yep, sorry. Actually, my content is still there but I have changed the theme header (factory) and I cannot get it back to the default (like the demo). I sent you access codes via mail. Thank's for your help !
  • How you changed the header? And yes, we get the private message from you but you did not explained anything. We definitely need more details about your problem.
  • I have the same problem. When edit/change header in be theme options i lost the "factory options" and need to create theme in the builder panel again. It is possible change demo?
  • edited October 2015
    ok, I had the default factory theme (see link) running, everything fine ! then I started messing around in Appearance > Betheme Options > Header Subheader. Since, the theme is blue with a white main nav bar. I have tried to get the standard yellow / transparent factory theme back but no success so far. 

    I would simply like to reset the Factory theme to its default layout.


  • edited October 2015
    I have to go online ASAP with this theme but need to know how to reset the Factory theme header to what it looks like in the demo. Thank's..
  • @4565modesto Yes, it is possible to change the demo of course. First, please use https://wordpress.org/plugins/wordpress-reset/ plugin to clear whole wordpress and then import new demo.

    @rupert1020 To get the default factory demo back, we recommend to clear the wordpress with the plugin we mentioned above and after that import Be|Factory demo once again. This will be the easiest and fastest way to get back original demo look.
  • edited October 2015
    ok, thank's BUT

    this will destroy the content ! I cannot do that because I have already spent hours editing it. There must be a easy fix to this ?
  • @rupert1020 Yes, this will destroy the content of course. Anyway, if you will send us access to your dashboard privately, we'll be able to have a look and try to set header like it is on original Be|Factory demo.
  • edited October 2015
    PM sent ... again.
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