Image positioning/size on individual portfolio item

Some images that I have are justified to the left of the featured image display on a single portfolio item. Is there a way to center these images, or ideally have them not cropped off? I would much rather have the 'thumbnail' show the whole image, if that's possible. Please see what I'm describing below:


  • Hi,

    you can center those images with below css:
    .single-portfolio .single-photo-wrapper .image_wrapper { text-align: center !important; }
    but to change crop effect, you must play with functions/theme-functions.php file.
  • That worked great! 
    Can you provide me the code for removing the crop effect in functions/theme-functions.php?
  • Ideally the thumb for each portfolio item would be no taller/wider than 600X600, without cropping. 
    I went in and changed the height size and that did work, but the image displays bigger on the page than the actual pop up thumb nail.

    So I guess what I'm asking is, is there a way to show the full image in a post, but have it not be super huge...and if they all could resize/scale to a limited size like no bigger than 600x600, that would be great. 

    Thanks in advance, your team has been a big help with this.
  • All changes for images sizes can be done under functions/theme-functions.php file but please notice that we do not offer file customization unfortunately. So if you want to modify theme files, you must do this on your own. Or if you don't know how, please contact with your website developer.
  • I'm the website developer. I do know how to edit php files, I was just hoping I could get some ideas from your support before I go on a wide goose chase of figuring out which entries to change.

  • Each website developer should know how to edit images sizes if they are planning to modify something in theme files. We re sure that if you know how to edit php files, you will be able to do what you are planning. Please notice, that we are WP developers only and we do not offer such customization services.

    Thanks for understanding!
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