Full width and height page (with slider adjusted to the screen)
It is possibile to make a full width and height slider? I would like make a full page home page with modern header and footer. Slider must automaticly adjust to full page. I will use different screen size so it must be always adjust to the screen. It will be looking like that: on the top will be header on the bottom will be footer and the place betwin this two section i would like put full page photo. Please tell me how i can do it with betheme.
Thank you for support!

It is possibile to make a full width and height slider? I would like make a full page home page with modern header and footer. Slider must automaticly adjust to full page. I will use different screen size so it must be always adjust to the screen. It will be looking like that: on the top will be header on the bottom will be footer and the place betwin this two section i would like put full page photo. Please tell me how i can do it with betheme.
Thank you for support!
yes it is possible. As example of what you mean you should have a look at http://themes.muffingroup.com/betheme/home/photo?mfn-o=face43&mfn-c=one&mfn-l=photo&mfn-h=simple
So please import this slider into your theme and this will be the best and easiest way to learn how to do it exactly. All info about import sliders from our demo into your theme, you can read on http://forum.muffingroup.com/betheme/discussion/15/how-to-import-revolution-slider-into-be-theme
Thanks for understanding!
I would like always see the footer. On the front page
must be footer and big slider but it must adjusted to the screen. I can do it
like that: the slider take full size of screen but footer is below so i must scroll
down to read it - it should be done without scrolling down.
Please check my visualization: