Probably you got too many menu items and there is no space for them all. If you will send us url to site where you got this problem, we can check if there is anything what we can do to move them up.
Ok, got it. However, we do not have such option and this can not be done within custom css only. What you want to do requires files customization. So if you don't know how to do this, you should contact with your website developer.
ithe filename is header-creative.php, I have to put them or change something to make me appear the scrollbar, you are not the creators of the theme betheme?
Yes, but we are WordPress developers, not website developers. Looks like you did not read Item Support Policy. If you will do, you will understand that theme files customization is not included and all changes in files should be done by your website developer. Also please understand, that after files modification, only website developer is responsible for your site.
can you explain once again what you mean or can you show us on the screenshots what happen? We are sorry but we do not understand what you mean.
What do I need the menu Become scrollable because it still does not see each other
I would like to be able to use the same style What you used in this theme for scrolling
Thanks for understanding!