Header menu items padding issue


My name is Luis and I'm having some trouble with the header menus, their items seem to lose padding (they get all stuck together) when the the header gets fixed to the top after scrolling. This also happens to the mobile version of the menu items and their drop-down the sub-items.

Could you please tell me what sould I configure so they are represented nicely.
I have done some CSS code for the preview on my local server, but I'd like to add the less unnecessary CSS as possible.

I made a page where you can see it: http://edin.com.ar/wp/muffin/


Luis J. Giusti


  • By the way, I have chosen the following:
    • Header & subheader -> Layout -> Style -> Classic
    • Header & subheader -> Sticky Header -> Sticky -> On
    • Header & subheader -> Sticky Header -> Style -> Dark
    • Menu & actionbar -> Menu -> Options -> Align menu to the right (even dough when it was set to the left, padding was disappearing too)
    Everything else is left in its default values
  • Thanks for the quick reply, but it seems that is a different issue.

    My problem is the following:

    The post you send me to stated the following as an answer: "If you want to sort menu, you should select right menu in Appearance > Menus > Manage locations section."

    I've tried to find that, but I couldn't and what I did found, was not helpful:
  • No, this is not a different issue. All you need to do is set Main Menu under Appearance > Menus > Manage locations section like we explained in above topic.
  • Ok, the crucial part you were missing, first I needed to create at least a menu to see the "manage locations" tab.

    If you had at least looked at the images I posted you and then would easily see that I had no menu created (I was using the nav wordpress creates automatically) and in consequence, I could not see the "manage locations" tab.
    You can see that on the first image I posted below: "I've tried to find that, but I couldn't and what I did found, was not helpful:"

    Even though the solution was similar*, the issue was not the same.
    *: I had to do an extra step, create a menu to replace the default nav

    Thanks for pointing me on the right direction, now the problem is solved
  • Ohh, we didn't knew that you did not created any menu. We thought that this is obvious that you should have menu first. You're right about the image but we missed that you did not created menu.

    Anyway, we're glad to see that you sorted it finally :)
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