Count Down don't work (VC)
Hi there!
1) On the page my count down don't work.
I already put the CSS that you gave other people, but i don;t work for me:
.quick_fact .animate {
opacity: 1 !important;
I can't see the numbers that i gave in in the backend + it's not animated.
2) What CSS can i use to set off rows and columns on the mobile?
3) How can i set the text size for Visual Composer text blocks?
4) is it also possible to set rows on full width? When i do that now, it's staying in grid.
5) The accordion on the page won't close. And when i have opened it, i get a really strange url:
Thank you
1) You set 06/04/2014 date and that's why it is not counting
2) We do not understand that question. Would be great if you can show us on screenshot what you want to do.
3) VC plugin does not have such option. This can be done with custom css only.
4) It is possible with our Muffin Builder tool. VC plugin does not have such possibility.
In accordance to 2nd question, under Theme options > Global > Advanced section you can choose which builder should be first.