Saving issue - by long contents

Hi Team, 

When I upload with many content a page is does not appear after saving. No warning or errors displayed, simply the system is not able to save the last parts of the content. The Php.ini Var number set up to 10000 dont helped. I contacted more times with the server provider, but he is unable to say anything for lack of error message or logs. 

I saw similar topics at your blog, I hope this time you can give a possible solution or advice. 

Thank you.



  • In addition:

    When we do not set up max_input_vars, we have the following message:

    PHP Warning: Unknown: Input variables exceeded 1000. To increase the limit change max_input_vars in php.ini. in Unknown on line 0

    When we set up it, we have a 404 message.

    Sorry but this is very frustrating.

    Thank you so much.

  • Hi Janos,

    if you are unable to save long content, then problem is on 10000% related with max_input_vars variable. If you got 10000 variable set, it means that your content is too long for this variable. Please send us url to file where phpinfo() function is so we can confirm your server's settings. Maybe your server needs restart after this change or other variables like: upload_max_filesize, max_execution_time, post_max_size, memory_limit should be increased as well. Please notice that this happen to 1% of users what means that it's because of the server limits only.
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