A logo question [Logo overlay slider]


I have some big and rounded logo;


How do i bring it to front? I want to show it about same size but put it on the menu bar.

I tried to do it with z-index but i cant? Is there any option for it?..



  • Hi,

    please provide us url to your website and we'll have a look on it.
  • Yeah, i wrote private message to you, because the page is under cons.. I made an account for you.

  • edited February 2015
    We already sent you more details on pm. If you have further questions about this case, please reply on pm only. Thanks!

    EDITED!!! Whole css that we used for this solution is:
    #Top_bar .logo { position: relative; min-height: 90px; }
    #Top_bar.is-sticky .logo { min-height: 60px; }
    #Top_bar #logo { position: absolute; z-index: 200; left: 0; top; 0; overflow: visible; }
    #Top_bar #logo img { max-width: 182px; }
  • Good morning
    Please I have tried this same css on my website, Its still not coming up as should with the logo coming out on top of the nav and sliders

    Please help me understand if there is something I shoukd change

    My logo is 120 by 120 Px

    Thank you
  • @dandellscreations Please send us url to page where this code does not work and we'll have a look on it.
  • As we see, this code works but your logo is not big enough and that's why is on the white header background. To increase logo size, you must use below css as well:
    #Top_bar #logo { height: 120px !important; }
  • Hi, 
    After fiddling around with the above code I have been able to make the image work for the main header on my site. However, I'm having a problem with getting the logo to resize and overlay in the sticky header. Any ideas for what code works for this? Any help would be much appreciated. 

  • Managed to eventually figure it out - here's the code I used.... 

    #Top_bar.is-sticky .logo { width:auto; margin: 0 30px 0 20px; padding:0;}
    #Top_bar.is-sticky #logo { padding:0px 0; height:0px; line-height:0px;}
    #Top_bar.is-sticky #logo img { max-height:100px; width: auto !important;}

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