Woocommerce Search not working after recent Update


If I type in the search "Karma" it used to take me straight to the product called Karma Pen. After I updated my theme and WooCommerce I noticed that now no matter what I search it does not recognize the data being searched and reports "" as my search query. This of course is when using the search button set on Product Search from the menu in the Muffin Options.

The website is the following URL:


  • Hi,

    please remove WooCommerce files from FTP completely and upload recent version instead thru FTP as well. But if this won't help, please switch to default WP theme and let us know if the search also does not work with default theme.

  • edited November 2015
    I deleted and reuploaded the woocommerce plugin with no luck. My next step is going to be to reupload betheme itself. I changed the theme back to wordpress and it returned my search query but not the product i requested. 

    The search works when set to "Icon (default)" and when set to "search field".

    Also, the woocommerce search widget does not work on the sidebar and in the footer.

    The only search that isn't functioning is the "Icon (Products)" in BethemeOptions on the menu bar. In general any product related search.

    It won't accept the search string data and is returning a null search which equates to a couple quotation marks and displays the products from the shop. But not the product I searched for.

  • At the same time, related to the theme update. my fixed background stopped working which was previously allowing a lotus flower png to scroll seamlessly down the entire page.  Now it just freezes up after a few lines.
  • After further inspection the search function seems to work with another wordpress install running the same version of woocommerce and wordpress. 10.6 version of betheme on both installs.

    This leads me to believe it is either a plugin that updated or a deeper issue. I will activate debugging mode and report.

    Notice: Undefined variable: layout in /home/tvhostmgr/public_html/wp-content/themes/betheme/functions/theme-head.php on line 760

    Notice: Undefined variable: layout in /home/tvhostmgr/public_html/wp-content/themes/betheme/functions/theme-head.php on line 763
    class="archive search search-results post-type-archive post-type-archive-product logged-in admin-bar no-customize-support woocommerce woocommerce-page with_aside aside_right color-custom style-default layout-full-width nice-scroll-on no-section-bg-tablet mobile-tb-center button-flat if-overlay hide-love header-plain header-fw sticky-header sticky-white ab-show subheader-title-left menu-line-below-80-1 menuo-no-borders debug-bar-maximized">
  •  I did as you requested, and switched to the default 20125 theme and the search works perfectly fine. It isn't redirecting me to the karma pen pager like it was doing and it is showing irrelevant results but there are no  errors in the debug log and it is appearing correctly.

  • Ok. So please send us private message with dashboard and FTP access so we can have a look on it.
  • I am having the same issue.
  • BrandingLab
    Can you please explain in more detail, send links and screenshots. We cannot help with with little to none information.
  • I am having the same issue.
    But the theme works perfectly on a desktop but on the search option does not work. could you please help me out.

  • Can you disable all of the plugins (leave woocommerce turned on only), clear the cache and check, if the search functionality works fine?
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