Query on - Sliding Text, Customer Logo & Button Drop Down

Hello Team BeTheme ,

I was on my final stages of completing my beautiful website when I saw if these specific things could be changed which might make the output better,

1) The testimonial slider or the RevSlider that I am using the move the text is not actually answering the simple concept of text scrolling that I am expecting.
In testimonial slider that height of the section is effected on every slide, On rev Slider the page load increases. Is there a muffin tool item that can make it easy like a column .

2) In customer logo section, the icons are in  a grey rectangle box which is a little disturbing. any way It could be replaced to white for it ?

3) Can I create a drop down menu like button or link inbetween a page and not just in the menu menu ?


  • Hey,

    1) Sorry but we do not have anything like this.

    2) You can change this background with below css:
    1. ul.clients .client_wrapper { background-color: #FFF !important; }
    3) No, this is not possible. Drop down menus can be made in header only.
  • 1) Can you consider this because this a very simple but widely used feature on a website for updates and news.

    2) Where do I put this? custom page CSS or Theme Options ? 

    3) In header area ? or only in the menu ? if in header area, How ?
  • 1) At this moment, we have over hundred of features on "to do" list that must be done first. After that, we may consider your request of course.

    2) Each css should be stored under Theme options > Custom CSS & JS > Custom CSS section.

    3) We meant only in the menu. Just like it's on our main demo.
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