Header background not working when selected in BeTheme theme options


I'm trying to have the background of the header be an image but the theme options to enable this doesn't seem to be working. See hereimage

Any idea why this doesn't work? see website



  • Hey,

    the option you refer to on screenshot above, is for background which is behind the menu like Modern for example. We do not have an option to fill whole header where items are with image. For that, you need to use below css:
    1. #Header .top_bar_left, .header-classic #Top_bar, .header-stack #Top_bar, .header-fixed #Top_bar, .header-below #Top_bar, #Header_creative, #Top_bar #menu { background-image: url('#') !important; }
    After that, you must remove your custom which overwrite our styles http://snag.gy/F3yxP.jpg
  • Or just unset the Minimalist option, because the Minimalist option remove the background and paddings, accord info: Header without background image & padding
  • Hi 
    my background header image doesn't work in any header style. It works only with revolution slider. 


  • @silacqua Can you tell us where did you set header's background? We see that you did not set it anywhere because it even does not exist in code.
  • I bypassed the problem.

    I wanted two different layouts one for the home and one other for the inner pages.

    For the home I've set the layout from the main theme options (Subpage without Header) and for the blog page I've customized the splash layout (transparent).

    The problem was that the splash layout use the background image set in the main theme options. So I've added the image there where the layout use only the revolution slider.

    I still don't understand why I can't set the custom background image in the custom layout.

    Thanks Silvia
  • @silacqua How did you set custom background for custom layout? Where you did it? We would like to have a look on it as we are still not sure what you did exactly and how.
  • Ok
    this is my under construction home page http://www.immaginativi.it/ and this is the blog page http://www.immaginativi.it/blog/?preview=true . I wanted two different headers.

    The blog page uses the splash layout but I had to set the background image in BeTheme options > Header > background > image NOT in Layouts > spash > background > image

    As you can see, in the screenshot here http://i.imgur.com/hSqmzoH.png , the splash layout image is different.

    Anyway it works.
  • http://www.immaginativi.it/ - on this page, you have a slider.

    http://www.immaginativi.it/blog/?preview=true - but on this page, you got a header background. To set different header backgrounds per pages, you need to use Featured Image option which is on the right hand side while editing pages. Please notice it's the only option to set different header backgrounds per different pages.
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