White Space between menu and content


I noticed that my pages were all having a huge gap between the menu and content. I solved this in most cases by adding a slider that forced everything upward. However, this solution is not working on the shop and blog layouts. How do I fix this?

Thank you for your help!


  • Hi,

    this section is a place where background images for header can be setup. If you don't like this space, please turn on "Header | Minimalist" option under Theme options > Header & Subheader > Header section.

  • Hello, 
    I'm having the same issue, and when I turn on Minimalist, the menu goes over my slider and blocks some of the texts on my slider, what should I do?
  • @Marcusz123 Probably you are using kind of transparent header and that's why menu and the content goes behind. This is how transparent header types works. If you will send us url to page where this is happening, we'll see if it's possible to move the content down.
  • edited December 2015
    Thanks, I'll look up what I can do. 
  • Just like we thought. You have transparent header and that's why the content goes behind. If you will send us url to page where you don't have slider and content goes behind, we should be able to give you custom css to move such content down.
  • I don't have any pages like that. 
    I applied the "The Notebook" layout. It didn't have this problem at first until I accidentally clicked the "Reset to defaults" button. 
    Any ideas? I'm not good with codes
  • Any ideas for what? We are currently confused. Your asking about the content which goes behind the header because it's transparent. But when we ask for link to page where the content goes behind, you say that you don't have such page. So can you explain what help you expect? Because we really don't know.
  • If you will send us url to page where you don't have slider and content goes behind,

    This is what you said, and i'm telling you I don't have any pages where I don't have slider. The slider is IN my header area!
    I'm not asking about the content which goes behind the header, i'm asking how I'm supposed to bring my slider down so it doesn't go behind my menu bar and look awful.
    If you don't understand what the problem is, go to my homepage http://www.mtanetwork.net/ again and look. 
  • We saw it but with slider it is not possible unfortunately. We thought that we wrote it somewhere above but looks like we forgot. Slider can not be moved down. But, you can set this slider as a shortcode inside builder instead and that way it would be possible to move it down with below css:
    #Content { padding-top: 100px !important; }
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