Wordpress Page Revisions do not save Muffin Builder Updates or Changes

I have yet to figure out how to find any page revision that contains any of the muffin builder code and text. Am I missing something because there is no way to a restore a previous revision with it. I only get the text box revisions for wordpress that are from the draft text box at the top of the page and the muffin builder content is nowhere to be found in the revisions. Help me understand if this exists and how to restore muffin builder revisions to the page.


  • Hi,

    no, you did not missed anything. Revisions are incompatible with our Muffin Builder unfortunately.

    Thanks for understanding!
  • Okay, but this is a huge problem, especially if you make a mistake with this product. I probably will never purchase this theme again just for this reason alone. Thanks for the reply.
  • And another comment, it sounds like you do not have any plans to address it either. too bad.
  • Thanks for your suggestions but it's not like that we do not have any plans do address it. We tried to make them compatible for many weeks without result. These both just won't never work unfortunately.
  • Has this been addressed? 

    This is also a huge issue I have had... my work somehow reverted and I was not able to recover my revisions! 
  • @carmdross Like we wrote above, revisions can not be added for Muffin Builder. If you somehow lost something, you should contact with your admin to get the backup from the time when all was fine.
  • shame. terrible feature. so regretful on this purchase
  • you should DEFINITELY at least add a verification (do you want to leave the page yes/no kinda thing) when a user tries to leave the page, like on the visual composer. currently an accidental click makes us lose all the recent change.
  • Visual Composer works on default WP editor and that's why revisions works there. However, the Muffin Builder works on post meta and that's why this can not be done. We are simply limited by Wordpress.
  • What I'm saying is, you should put some controls. I mean how hard is it to put a "Are you sure to do ...." screen. This has nothing to do with WordPress. Here is how it goes, I import something from some other page and forgot to change how the import is gonna be handled, which is by default REPLACE the existing content, which is CRAZY. 

    So first, change the default  value to add the content after the existing content. And secondly, put a control on any save. I can't even believe I'm telling these as if no one had ever thought about on the subject.
  • Ok, sure. We will consider something like that while future updates then as it's a good idea.
  • Hello

    Im on the worpdress since 2007. Bethemes is one of the greatest theme I buyed, now even better than legendarly Enfold or Avada. But revision control is a big miss because we have many customers / fresh editors for whom is revision important.

    Hope you will find something and become even better.
  • @jcvikl We tried to do something with this many times but Revisions works only for WP editor content. Revisions just do not care about any other places/fields and that's why it is not possible to make them compatible with Muffin Builder which uses custom fields. We wrote to Wordpress developers few times and informed them about it but we didn't get any reply from them yet.
  • Hi Muffingroup
    I was wondering if this is something you solved since august? Because that would be a great addon to the theme. tnx
  • @Verwegen There is nothing to be solved because WP Revisions simply does not accept anything except WP Editor content.
  • Are previous versions of a page stored in the database anywhere?

    Due to a max_input_vars issue, I just lost a ton of content. Any way to get it back?

  • @jasonbass To get the lost content back, you need to contact with your admin and ask him for a backup from the time when missing content was in the right place.
  • And then where would I find it? In what table, in what field?
  • It depends what you lost. If you are taking about Muffin Options, you can find them in wp_options table but the column is option_name. And inside this column, you need to look for a betheme value.
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