Install Incomplete - Stylesheet is missing.

Attempted install through WP admin panel, and after about 50% uploaded, the Chrome page went blank, connection lost. So then using SFTP I confirmed no Be files were in the wp-content/theme folder, and tried to upload the theme that way instead. Upon completion, in WP admin > Themes, I see a message it's a "Broken Theme" due to "Stylesheet is missing". If I unzip the download on my desktop, I see stylesheets, and a folder full of CSS files, but I have no way of knowing which file might be missing. What do you recommend i do now?



  • Ok. Upon stumbling upon some posts in this forum, I see there is advice on the Envato page. Why not include their tip in your documentation, under section 1.3? I've just begun my journey with this theme, and already feeling concerned about the quality of my purchase.
  • Hi,

    this has been explained in the documentation already. If you will read 1.3 section, you will see:

    "Before you can complete the installation, make certain you have unpacked the entire package. This is very important! You can complete the installation in either of two ways:

    1. WordPress Theme Manager - please go to Appearance > Themes > Add new > Upload, select the zipped theme folder called and press Install Now WordPress will do the rest for you."

    You simply did not unpacked the TF message, did not uploaded package and this is the reason why you had this error. And because this messages is related with TF package only, it has been explained in Support section on Themeforest marketplace.


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