Make Changes for Specific Page

edited January 2016 in Theme support

For some specific pages I want to make changes. For example; Contact page and let's say contact page's id is 133

I am using this code in costum css area:

.page-id-133 #Footer {
    display: none !important;


.page-id-133 #Content {
    background-image: url("");

and these are not working for me. Am I doing something wrong?

my site is:

Thank you.


  • Hi,

    above css looks fine and it must work. There is 2 possible reasons why it may do not work:

    1. The page with an ID 133, does not exist.

    2. You did mistakes in your custom css section, and now when you paste above css at the end, it simply does not work. Move this css on the 1st position (if page with ID 133 exist of course) and you will see the difference. This is how CSS works. If you did any mistake in css, none of them below it, does not work.

  • Hello again.

    I found that, it does not work on blog posts (edit.php), but it works on pages (edit.php?post_type=page). :|

  • That's weird but we are happy to hear that you found it.
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