Post Meta - Just show date


Is there a way for the post-meta to just show the date posted and not the author or categories?



  • Hi,

    please send us link where you want to do this.
  • We're not live yet so I can't send a link.

    When I turn on post meta, all blog posts whether on the blog page or in single post have the date, author and a categories drop down. I don't want the category drop down there because it takes users to a page where the posts are displayed without their sidebars.

    I basically don't want users to have access to a /category page

    If it's not fixable without seeing the page, I'll just have to turn off post meta altogether for now and get back to you after we launch. Obvioulsy, would rather have it fixed before then.
  • Without link to this page, it won't be possible to tell you how to remove it because in each case, different css may work. Please let us know when site will be online and we will give you the right css then.

    Thanks for understanding!
  • Hi,

    I managed to fix the problem by using .post-meta .category { display: none !important; }
    which seems to have done the job!
  • Great, we are glad to hear that you sorted it yourself.
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