Icon Box - Title : Passage from h4 to h3 with custom css in child theme

edited January 2017 in Shortcodes

In the CSS from my child theme, how can I change the level on the title from my Icon Box.

From h4 to h3 for example from the home page of this site : http://-----

Thank you very much,



  • Hi,

    this requires files customization what in reference to Item Support Policy is not allowed. So if you want to modify files and don't know how, you should contact with your web developer.

    Thanks for understanding!
  • edited January 2016

    I don't understand why you won't my say how we can make that ?

    I have buy the product support.

    Item Purchase Code: *** REMOVED ***

    Thank you very much
  • Did you read the Item Support Policy or not? Did you read what you bought or you don't care about the rules? Like we wrote above, what you ask for requires files customization what is not included. So if you don't know how to do it, you need to contact with your web developer. From our side, we can just tell you where all items/shortcodes are. It's functions/theme-shortcodes.php file.
  • Thank you for your help.

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