How to create One-Page?
Im sorry, but I'm finding myself searching this forum and documentation for precise info on how to do stuff and while some information is clear, others are not.
Can I have a precise set of instructions from a-z please on how to create these as some of the instructions are very vague..
Thanks for your time
all details about one page menu, you can find on under "Smooth scroll effect and hashtag links for one page websites" section. Can you explain what is exactly not clear? This documentation was written by native English speaker so we don't understand why you are saying that instructions are very vague. To be honest, we do not have better explanation for this.
1. Set up menu item with the link to the section, like: #section1
2. When you create page, set up section1 ID for the section to which you want to link.
3. Under Page Options (section visible under default WP EDITOR when you create/edit page), activate One Page option for page where you use these one page links.
P.S. Instead of section1 you can use any other ID name but without any spaces.
Hope that instruction would be clear enough now.