Portfolio Categories and subcategories
My Portfolio category filters is showing both Categories and Subcategories at the same time, without hierarchy.
Can you give me a solution for showing only the Main Categories and a submenu of Subcategories when hovering or clicking on each ?
My Portfolio category filters is showing both Categories and Subcategories at the same time, without hierarchy.
Can you give me a solution for showing only the Main Categories and a submenu of Subcategories when hovering or clicking on each ?
I feel this is the way it SHOULD be working but I dont know why its doing this...
If its not through the portfolio and this is impossible, can you think of any other possible solution?!?
website: http://www.offcyclers.com/Warehouse/
P.s. I am adding a picture of how it shows in my website and a screenshot of my portfolio category wp page for your reference

If its not through the portfolio and this is impossible, can you think of any other possible solution?!?
website: http://www.offcyclers.com/Warehouse/
P.s. I am adding a picture of how it shows in my website and a screenshot of my portfolio category wp page for your reference

we are sorry but we do not have such feature included and not sure if this could be ever possible. For portfolio items you can set only one level of categories.
Thanks for understanding!
Any updates on the nested categories? If not, no problem.
Just one thing, I would like the FILTER BY : to show STYLES instead of PROJECTS.
how can I do this?
thanks a lot!
when I enable the Filters under Betheme Options it appears as FILTER BY: PROJECTS
I am wondering if its possible to change that "PRojects" for "Styles" or another word of my choice.
Right now it is disabled because of that.