Import data failed because error message

WordPress function wp_remote_get() test failed. Looks like your server is not fully compatible with WordPress. Contact your hosting provider.
Error: name lookup timed out

Help!  I just installed yesterday and can't get the demo data in because of this.


  • Hi,

    looks like your server is not fully compatible with WordPress. Demo settings can not be imported automatically because your server does not work with wp_remote_get() function which uses loopbacks. In this case, you must import settings manually. Or you need to contact with your admin to fix it.

  • What would I ask them to fix? Should I ask them to enable curl (saw that on a Google search - ignore it if I'm speaking nonsense)?  Or what specifically?

  • same problem here.

    i can download the demo content 2 times. and it worked fine. so it's not because my server compatibility. and after that, i can not download another demo content.
  • Mine was intermittent as well.  I tried it twice in a 5 minute span and it wouldn't work.  I tried an hour later and it did.  I assumed my host had fixed it, but they hadn't touched a thing yet.  Hmm? Intermittent stuff is always hard to figure out.
  • edited March 2016
    I'm getting a similar error on my staging site. I need to test it here first before going live and replacing my entire main site:
    WordPress function wp_remote_get() test failed. Looks like your server is not fully compatible with WordPress. Contact your hosting provider.
    Error: SSL: no alternative certificate subject name matches target host name ''  (I substituted xx.. for actual name)

    THis is evidently just an SSL error because he staging site is simply a copy of my main site. It's also a copy of my actual SSL certificate. How can I temporarily get around the SSL issue so I can install demo data? Can I install it directly via SFTP? All I'd ned is the correct directory name and I'm good to go.
  • @enochsvision Please send us private message with dashboard and FTP access and we will have a look on it.
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