Mega Menu tutorials


I'm trying to create a mega menu but the documentation is a bit vague on that point.

Are there any tutorials on creating a mega menu that would be more complete than the documentation?

I also want to download an .xml file to become more familiar with the mega menu but I don't want to mess up my site by importing anything.
Is it possible to import the .xml for just the mega menu or do I have to import the whole layout?

Thank you for your help.


  • Hi,

    we are sorry but we do not have any other explanation. This one is the easiest and most clear one we have. Please also notice that it won't be possible to import mega menu because WP does not recognize it while import. WP imports menu as just regular/plain menu.

  • Ok, maybe you can help me by giving me more details.

    In your documentation you have written:
    For Mega Menu columns you must add each menu item using a # "URL" attribute and - as the"Navigation label" value. Under the empty columns you can add the correct menu items.

    When you say "using a # "URL" attribute, do I add the menu item using a custom link or can it be any menu item, such as a page? Because I can't find a "URL" attribute in menu items:
    All I can see is "Navigation Label", "Title Attribute", "CSS Classes", "Link Relationship", and "Description".

    Can you tell me how to add the # "URL" attribute?
    Thank you

  • When we say to use # as URL, you need to use Custom Link because only that item got this field. You see only "Navigation Label", "Title Attribute", "CSS Classes", "Link Relationship", and "Description" because it's PAGE, not CUSTOM LINK.
  • Okay, I think I got it. 

    So we can only include links but not the description or any other text, is that right?
  • Thanks a lot for your great support
  • We are glad to hear that we would be helpful :)
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