Blank space under mobile menu

Hi. Can you help me to remove blank space? It's under mobile menu on my site -
I've just installed clean theme and import demo "BeTypo". Sorry for bad English((


  • Hi,

    to remove this space, you need to deactivate "Right Top Bar" option under Theme options > Header & Subheader > Header section.
  • I try "on/off" this option:image But the result is the same(
    Maybe change your demo-custom css? Here the screen:image
  • Hide WPML - that's the solution!
  • Sorry but we don't get your language. If the 1st option on screenshot is Top Bar Right / Hide, then you should turn this option ON. This must work. If it does not work, it means the problem is related with cache or other extra plugins on your side.

    HIDE WPML is set inside Top Bar Right section what means that hiding Top Bar Right section is more important than wpml. We did tested this already on our side and it works.
  • Russian language)
    Yes, the 1st option on screenshot is Top Bar Right / Hide.
    BUT! blank space is only removed when WPML is "HIDE".
    I have no idea, how language can change the result.
    OK, can you tell me how to switch to English language the BEtheme options?
  • You probably set the language under wp-config.php file and that's why texts has been translated. We do not have any option included to change muffin options languages.
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