Logo and Copyright Alignment

Hi, I was wondering if you could help me align only the sticky header logo and the copyright text to the far left in order for them to be aligned with the content:   http://i.imgur.com/2ERvh7T.png 

I would like to move only those two without affecting the rest of the objects in the theme.

Here is my URL

Thank you!


  • You can do this with:
    #Footer .footer_copy .column { margin: 0 0 40px !important; }
    #Top_bar .column { margin: 0 0 40px !important; }
    #Top_bar.is-sticky .logo { margin: 0 !important; }
  • edited February 2016
    Hi, this is what that snippet did to the sticky header and footer: http://i.imgur.com/X3xK2op.png
    - As you can see the alignment of both, the logo and the footer text went beyond the alignment of the content
    - The nav links on the sticky header moved to the left too, and I'm only trying to move the logo without affecting the rest of the objects on the sticky header.
    - It made the footer much taller and affected the move-up button's alignment

    Also, it affected the logo alignment, nav links alignment and the margin below of the regular header as you can see here: http://i.imgur.com/KCWqMB5.png It isn't supposed to affect in any way the regular header.

    Could you please help me fix this and get the alignment right?

    Thank you
  • Sorry but if above css does not work as you wish, all other things requires files customization. Sorry but we do not have any other css solution for this.
  • edited February 2016
    I believe the above CSS is correct, it's just the application of px units that isn't. I would really appreciate if you could help me get it right in order to accomplish what I desire with the theme. 

    All I need is to align the sticky header logo and footer copy with the page content as described above and shown in the images. 

    I have already purchased 3 copies, and you have always been very helpful, I'm sure you will help me do this as well :)

    Thank you
  • Like we said, we do not see anything wrong in above css. We gave you the only css that we found. However, if above css does not work, then it is necessary to modify theme files. Sorry but we need to obey the Item Support Policy where such modification are not allowed.

    Thanks for understanding!
  • I was able to make the modifications myself by just using CSS and without the CSS snippet above :) Maybe I should be a BeTheme support agent!

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