Can no longer find Events calendar plugin - may be missing more


I installed the theme, and after importing two different demos, everything was screwed up and mixed up.  So I reset Themepress and started over. However, I don't see Events Calendar anymore, and don't think I ever saw that screen that asks you to download "the following" plugins, so there are probably more plugins that I'm missing that I haven't yet needed and noticed.  How do I get all my extra plugins back?


  • Hi,

    each demo has different settings what means that you can not import two different demos on one site and expect that all would be fine. If you want to import different demos to check how some things were made, we suggest to create extra wp instance where you would be able to import demos for tests.

    In reference to Events calendar plugin, we have no idea what you did exactly but we suggest to get this plugin from

  • edited February 2016
    I'm confused - it's just the free version?  The DJ demo shows, very prominently, a feature of the events calendar that look like they are only available in the Pro version.  The 3 column portfolio/large icon view.  Am I missing that ability in the free one somewhere?  That's why I didn't just download the free one.    I'm very disappointed that the effect seen in that demo doesn't seem to be achievable with the free version, unless I'm wrong. (I'd love to be wrong!)

  • Yes, this plugin is free. Can you explain which widget or section on Be|DJ demo you are referring to exactly?
  • I just reimported it into an AMMPS installation and it turns out that the "Upcoming Concerts" section that I'd assumed would have been made with the calendar plugin, is just manually entered data.  I'm actually now trying to look for ANY demo that has a calendar and so far every single one of them is faked out. The Coaching demo has a schedule, but it's just typed HTML again.  I've been through about 6 demos in the last 10 minutes and I can't find A SINGLE ONE that actually uses the events calendar plugin.  The text on the Envato page lead me to believe that it's been integrated into at least some demo or something or else it wouldn't be mentioned.  Any help?  Do you know which theme, if any, has an event calendar based on this plugin vs. just text typed to look like a calendar?  There are so many demos that I can't go through all of them.  Thanks!
  • Does maybe the Event Demo have the calendar in use? 

    It doesn't look quite right, but if this one doesn't use it, I don't think any of your demos use it.
  • If you mean "Events Calendar" section, this was made with Muffin Builder only. It's just simple item with some shortcodes inside.

    The page you refer to on Be|Event is just a blog. We do not have any page with The Events Calendar plugin presented.
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