Full width headers on each page

I'm trying to figure out how to put full width header images on each page, and each page has a different image. I'm using Visual Composer to do it, but I can't get it to go full width and stay responsive. Any help would be appreciated.image


  • Also, is there a way to disable the hamburger menu when the window is resized? I would prefer that the 3 menu items move over and stay the same instead of switching to the hamburger style menu. Thanks.
  • Hi,

    1. If VC got an option to display full width rows across the page, then you can try to use this function. However, as far as we know, they do not have anything like that included into default version. But you can easily achieve this with our Muffin Builder instead.

    2. Under Theme options > Responsive section, you can change the moment when menu switch to responsive mode. But the minimum size is 768px.
  • Thanks for the response. Number 2 worked, but the Muffin Builder option didn't work. It's still keeping it within a certain size, and I need the image to extend the full width of the page. 
    Here's my settings and screen caps to show you what I'm talking about:

  • Please send us link to page where this image is not full width and is built with Muffin Builder so we can have a look on it.
  • The site in question is http://dev.cinevisuals.com/

    I currently am trying a masonry media grid in a row and that seems to work, but the image is fuzzy. It's over 3000px wide, so I don't understand why it's looking fuzzy. I also need each header to have a hyper link that goes to the contact page, but there is no option for that in the media grid.

    As far as your suggestion of using Muffin Builder, what specific widget should I use to achieve a full width header with a hyper link to go to the contact page. 
    Thanks in advance.

  • Can you upload this bar the same way as you did when you made a screenshot? Because this bar does not exist currently.
  • The bar isn't a part of the normal site, that's why I got rid of it. 

    I figured out how to make the banners full width by using a row and then a single image through Visual Composer. However, the banners won't resize when you shrink the window. Have a look and please tell me how I can fix this. 

  • These are css backgrounds which never won't resize. CSS bg and responsive are just incompatible.
  • Ok, can you offer an alternative or solution?  Having to wait 12 hours between responses is taking a long time and I really need to fix this issue. Please, tell me how I can have responsive header images that have a hyperlink that goes to the contact page. Please,  I need to fix this as soon as possible.
  • We do not have any suggestion unfortunately because your request, requires a lot of modification in theme files.
  • Let me try and ask another way. I've seen this function in your other demos where an image scales with the responsiveness of the site. I had tried using the masonry grid gallery with just one image selected, and it did work except the images were fuzzy and there wasn't a way to make a link attached.

    You first suggested on February 5th that I use the Muffin Builder. So, are you saying there is no way to set a full width image that includes a hyperlink that isn't responsive? I'm open to other ways of doing it, and it looks like many of your theme options do have this ability.
  • Can you show us on which demo css backgrounds scales in responsive mode? Because we've never seen anything like that. Please send us link to that page so we can have a look on it.
  • It's like the default demo or something. I'm not trying to say that css backgrounds scale, because honestly I have no idea. All I'm trying to get help with is a suggestion from you as to an alternative way to approach this so I can have a full width image that has a link to scales with the site, that's all. I'm open to any alternatives you might have in mind. Please don't respond with another 'that can't be done' answer. Maybe I'm asking the wrong question. Either way, I just wish someone could give another suggestion on how we can get something close to what I'm asking for. Thanks.
  • Sorry but like we wrote before, we do not have any suggestion to achieve what you ask for. We just do not have such solution and to be honest, we are not sure is such solution exist. If we would have an idea of how this can be done, we would give you solution few answers ago.
  • Much appreciated, thanks for trying.
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