schedule event in the club theme

In the demo of the be club theme, we can see a nice page with a timeline of the scheduled events at the club but...
In reality if i schedule the events in my web site, no-one can see them, just because they are scheduled. Only past event can be seen with a nice timeline (nice but useless). So, is it possible to make it work like in the demo, or is it a fake one?


  • Hi,

    can you explain which section are you talking about exactly?
  • But this is simply blog item where we display posts only. It does not come from any events feature.
  • Well section name is "UPCOMING EVENTS" so it's a kind of confusing, no?
  • And if those posts are really upcomming then they souldn't appear because they are sheduled (and in that case they are not visible).
  • We can not agree with you unfortunately. There could be just any other text.
  • edited February 2016
    Actually, I agree with Twokeys.  Very misleading.  I just did a search, after I figured out that all the calendars I'm seeing are just typed text, and found this person having the same issue as I am.  If there really aren't any demos that use The Event Calendar plugin, you should just remove it from the Themeforest listing.  People'd still buy your theme, because it's otherwise awesome, but it's a massive disappointment when you think there will be some slick calendar and buy it and there isn't really anything shown anywhere that actually uses the calendar plugin for the calendar.

    The wording that the actual plugin uses is "Upcoming Events", so if you're going to make fake example calendars, just use words that don't say "events".  Call them dates or something that makes it more obvious that it isn't generated from the plugin. It's a non-negotiable need for musicians, so we should know upfront that we'll have to do our own thing for a calendar.
  • @digitalretouch We can not agree with you unfortunately. Thousands of people are using The Events Calendar plugin with BeTheme so we can not remove it from the listing because for 2 something was misleading. Also, we didn't saw any information on this demo that we used this plugin anywhere. If this plugin would be used for that demo, there would be information about that. And also, because theme has been tested with this plugin and it's compatible, it would be listed on compatibility list.
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