Betheme Demo "Extreme" Slider Problem Scroll direction
Hello, i have a Problem, i just import the Demo of the Extreme Template. There is at the MainPage, a big SLider with four Pictures. My Problem is the Scroll direction is not correct after importing the demo.
In the Original Extreme Template is the scroll direction like this, if you scroll down, than it comes the next pages from the bottom to the Top, its and if you scroll back, then the Previous Page comes back from Top to the Bottom.
In my Page there is the Opposite Option. If i Scroll down, then the next page comes from the Top to the Botton, and if i scroll back, then the Previous page comes from the Bottom to the top, and this is wrong direction. i didnt changed anything.
How can i solve this problem??
Thank you
please send us link to page where you have this problem so we can have a look on it.
If you look the rev. slider on Extreme theme demo the slide appear from down when i scroll down.
Please, help me.
Any advice?