Menu color Layouts

Hi there,

I created a lay-out for the follow up pages. On the homepage ( the menu color is and must be white, however on the follow up page (created with a layout: the menu color should be dark blue (it is automatically white at the moment)

Is there a code i can use to change this?
Thanks in advance!


  • Hi,

    but what kind of code you are looking for? To change menu items color on all inner pages, except home?
  • Jap. That is what i am looking for. (including the link color/hove-over color).

    As you can see the menu tekst is now white on all pages. The homepage should remain white and all the other pages should have a different color. ( as you can see on the other pages, the menu is not visible because the text is white)
  • So to do this, you need to use the following css:
    #Top_bar:not(.home) .menu > li > a span:not(.description) { color: #000 !important; }
    #Top_bar:not(.home) .menu > li > a:hover span:not(.description) { color: #E2E2E2 !important; }
  • Ok. But this changes the color on the homepage as well... Whereas the homepage color must remain white, the others must have the different color
  • Sorry, you're right. We did a mistake. Instead of above css, you should use:
    body:not(.home) #Top_bar .menu > li > a span:not(.description) { color: #000 !important; }
    body:not(.home) #Top_bar:not .menu > li > a:hover span:not(.description) { color: #FFF !important; }
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