Can't figure out how to customize alt text on images in Muffin Builder elements

Hey guys, I can't find out how to customize alt text for SEO purposes on certain elements (like How It Works, Our Team elements etc.)

You can set alt tags in the media library on each image individually, but it would seem that the shortcodes have their own way of determining alt text that overwrites this.

Here is a few screenshots of what I mean:

So I am wondering how I can customize this text? Is there a way to see the HTML or plaintext view of what muffin builder outputs so I can edit them there? Let me know, thanks :)


  • Hi,

    for many items, alt tag is always the same as item's title.
  • If you look at the linked example, the alt text is being taken from the Name of the person in the our team shortcode. We want to put SEO keywords in the alt text, so we can't exactly do that with the current set up. The person's name can't be 'International Shipping Quote' or something, you know?
  • Please wait till update. We are working on it already. With the new version, ALL ALT TAGS will come from Media Library section where all images are. We are removing our alt option completely. Alt tags would be working the same as with any default WP theme.
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