Theme breaks every time I make a change in Muffin Options

Every time I save changes from within Muffin Options it causes the menu to break. It doesn't matter what I change, the results are the same every time. Even if I delete the logo and set the same exact logo it will cause the menu to change colors and lose it's formatting. 

Here is an example of the home page before and after showing the way the menu breaks. 

I am able to recover the proper formatting and colors by importing the theme data from the demo file, but I am still unable to make any changes at all. I have tried disabling all plugins before opening Muffin Options and it still has the same result. 

Any help would be greatly appreciated. I really love you themes, but have always had issues using Muffin Options. I've been able to find workarounds before, but this time nothing I try seems to work. 


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