I was trying all sorts of things (surely plenty of things that seems funny) to make it centred, so the code for the flat box might be funny. But feel free to copy paste the original code that I used from your shortcode library:
<div class="column mcb-column one-third column_flat_box "><div class="flat_box"><a href="#"><div class="photo_wrapper"><div class="icon themebg" style="background-color:#7ac2d7"><i class="icon-heart-line"></i></div><img class="scale-with-grid" src="http://betheme.muffingroupsc.netdna-cdn.com/betheme/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/home_spa_flatbox_1.jpg" alt="home_spa_flatbox_1" width="380" height="179"></div><div class="desc_wrapper"><h4>Beauty centre</h4><div class="desc">Duis sed odio ligula. Suspendisse tempor consequat felis tempor lacinia. Nam porttitor, massa eget blandit mollis</div></div></a></div></div>