Menu off center

edited March 2016 in Menu / Mega menu

I'm having problems with my Menu (Classic, fixed) being off center.

Please see the example below:

I have checked the padding and centering of the section - and it appears the problem is routed in the menu. 

This is the case when I switch to alternative Header Menu Styles too.

Any advice would be appreciated,



  • Hi,

    we can see you have definitely too many menu items and that's why are out of the top bar. You need to remove half or even more of them if you want to get them back into the same line as logo.
  • Hi,

    the problem isn't that I want them inline with the logo, but that the fixed menu isn't equally placed 

    (see white part of rectangle either side)

    Even when I remove half of the items it is still off the mid-point of the page
  • Sorry but you need to enlighten us because we have no idea what you mean. Please send us screenshot of how the menu supposed to look like.
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