Service zip file missing

I am trying to install the Service demo for the revolution slider yet the file is missing from the folder. I have downloaded the latest files.


  • Hi,

    as you can see on our demo, Be|Service was made with Muffin Builder tool only and that's why you can not find it's slider inside package.
  • Are their instructions on how to create a site to look like the Service demo?
  • Sure, all details about how to re-create pre-made layouts, you can find on

    You can also watch YT's video where everything has been explained
  • I thought you said that Be|Service is not a pre-made layout? The instructions above show me how to customize a pre-theme layout. What I want to know how to do is to create my site so it looks like Be|Theme. Are their instructions on how to do that?
  • Sorry but we don't get your question. Any pre-made layout you see on our demo, exist as pre-made layouts and can be re-created the way as it has been explained above. And because we gave you already all instructions (these are STEP BY STEP instructions) we have no idea what else you are looking for.
  • I am trying to recreate this pre-made layout:

    In my original question I stated that I couldn't find the "Service" file to upload in the slider revolution folder in order to complete the setup. 

    You replied, "Be|Service was made with Muffin Builder tool only and that's why you can not find it's slider inside package."

    I then asked "are their instructions on how to create a site to look like the Service demo?" 
    To clarify, are there instructions on how to create a site so that it looks exactly like this demo:

    You replied, "Sure, all details about how to re-create pre-made layouts, you can find on ..."

    Yet those instructions lead me back to my original question. There is no "Service" slider revolution file to upload. So the service demo is not a pre-made layout is it? 

  • We read it twice and in our opinion, everything has been explained already. Be|Service does not have Revolution Slider and was made with Muffin Builder tool so all you need to do is do the import of pre-made layouts from Appearance > BeTheme Demo Data section. Did you watched the video we gave you above? Sounds like you didn't and that's we strongly recommend to watch it. Please follow all steps till Rev Slider import because this is the only thing that you don't need for this demo.

    However, if you don't see Service demo under BeTheme Demo Data, you should update theme version because some demos might do not exist only if you have the version before they were released.

    Hope that explanation would finally help.
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