Change Fancy heading Color Separate for each Fancy Heading on 1 page
Dear Muffin Group,
h1, h1 a, h1 a:hover, .text-logo #logo {
color: #444444;
I'm trying to change the colour of my TOP fancy heading to white (#ffffff) because the background image is dark (see:
The fancy heading at the bottom of the page should stay the same (because the background is white)
In Google inspect item I see this:
h1, h1 a, h1 a:hover, .text-logo #logo {
color: #444444;
and when i change the color to #ffffff the fancy Heading title color becomes white, but I don't know what code to insert in the "Custom CSS Item Classes Names in the Fancy Heading options. Should I even do this in the "Custom CSS Item Classes Names in the Fancy Heading options?
I'm new to CSS so can you please provide me a step by step workaround (for dummies) how to make each separate Fancy Heading a different color (I know colors like #****** but that's about it!)
Thanx so much in advance!
we did checked your site but we see only 1 fancy heading which is located in the bottom. There is no headings in the top of site. However, if you want to change colors per individual items, you need to play with custom css. For the item, you must set individual class name and then under Theme options > Custom CSS & JS > Custom CSS, you must create custom css for that item.