Equal height for Hover-Color elements in one wrap
I have in one section 3 wraps each with 3 hover color elemets in one line. In the advanced section style dropdown I have chosen "Columns without Any margins ...".
I want that all 3 elements have the same height. Also in the responsive design when the window becomes smaller, the height should be adjusted to the highest item in the line.
I have tried to select "Equal Height of Items in Wrap" for section advanced style, but it had all just worsened. I got a problem with margins between the elements and the height also with normal window size was different.
Ist there any possibility to fix this?
I have tried to select "Equal Height of Items in Wrap" for section advanced style, but it had all just worsened. I got a problem with margins between the elements and the height also with normal window size was different.
Ist there any possibility to fix this?
.hover_color { height: inherit; }
.hover_color .hover_color_bg { height: inherit; }
Is there any possibility to make the fancy_link sticky to the bottom (same spacing from the bottom of the hover_color box). So, also the links in the box stay at the same high?
1. What you can do only is remove bottom margin for these items with the following css: 2. It is already whole link so we don't get what you mean exactly.
1. what ist "a.mfn-link" and where can I insert this css code?