How to Remove Revolution Slider from Demo

Hey Guys,

I've just installed betheme on my wordpress, I've uploaded "builder" demo and what I would like to do is to remove 
slider [rev-slider builder] from the top and just paste large header background photo instead.

I even uploaded header background photo in Betheme options -> header&subheader -> background
but it still shows [rev-slider builder] instead of this photo. 

Any ideas?

Thank you for your help :)



  • Ok I somehow manage to fix it, my own way. If anyone need help here is what to do:

    1. Remove slider plugins (not just deactivate)

    2. Add Background photo in Betheme options -> header&subheader -> background

    3. In "custom CSS code" section for homepage I've added this line of code:
     #Subheader {background:none; padding: 200px 0 300px}
    What it does is remove background-color that covering your background + it makes header larger. 
    You can add more pixels if you need. 

    Hope that will work for you too, not sure how to make it work fine on mobile but maybe admins will help 
  • Hi Chris,

    slider for pages can be removed under Page Options section where Revolution Slider drop-down field is. But if removing plugin works fine, we are glad to hear that.
  • Great question. MuffinGroup I'm having trouble locating Page Options -> Revolution Slider drop-down field.

    Where can I find that?
  • I'd like to get rid of the slider at the top of the page, but the only option for the Revolution Slider in Page Options is default

    There is a default black box under my menu like it's trying to insert a slider that I don't have. How do I take that away?
  • You can find it while editing page. When you edit page, you have "Page Options" section where all additional settings are.
  • I see where you are talking about, but I would like to remove the slider from the page. There are options for me to select which slider to assign, but I don't want one at all.

    I've attached a screen shot
  • I believe I figured this out by switching to Minimalist Header.

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