Portfolio Link

When linking portfolio items to a url they open in a new window. How can I make my links target so they open in the same window?



  • Sorry but we don`t have this option yet. We`ll think about it while future updates.

    Thanks for suggestion!
  • So thats it? You can't provide me with info on what .php file and line to change?
  • Yes, that`s it. We do not offer theme files modifications, because we can`t be responsible for modified themes in the future. Also after files modifications you won`t be able to do any theme updates what is very important to always get up to date version that is compatible with new wordpress and other stuff. And those are the main reasons why we do not offer theme files modifications.

    Thanks for understanding.
  • Hmm, oddly enough I thought I had this issue once before and resolved. It seems someone from the muffingroup other than you assisted me through PM on this same exact question and helped me resolve it. On another note before telling someone you don't provide theme file modifications you may want to make sure someone else from your team hasn't already provided that person (in this case me) theme file modifications like I was here http://pastie.org/9561348
  • Probably this was modification that has been added to one of the updates and that`s why we gave it to you because if this was added in update, you won`t lose it while future updates and this solution will be supported. But in this case, much more things must be modified (portfolio is quite large option with tons of options and php) and at this moment we are not able to do it in next update because current list of customers requests is long for next few months.

    Hope this will be more clearer.
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