Blog default options

Hi there is there any chance i could make the "Hide Featured Image in post details" On as standard?

Like on this picture...

In my layout i dont use the image as u guys show so i need to always go down and turn the hide image on... it would be nice if I could make it as standard "on"



  • Hi,

    we are sorry but it is not possible unfortunately to have this button ON by default. To many people are using this option as OFF and because of that we can not change it.

  • Hmm that's unfortune, well I understand that to "many ppl use ir off" so de stardard would be off but perhaps a way to change or save those options as a standard would be nice in some time in the future as a new feature...

    or even a config file that u guys read on everypost. "defaultpostoptions.php" :P

    perhaps a code that i can put on a file?!! like a variable?! perhaps?  if u point me to the right direction.

    like edit this file and put this line on it.. $remove_image_post == true

    anyways, thanks for the prompt suport... such a great theme u guys have.

    Still some quality of life to be done, but we are getting there :D
  • We are sorry but we can not give you solution in this case because what you ask for, requires files customization what in reference to Item Support Policy is not allowed. So if you want to modify files and don't know how, you should contact with your web developer.

    Thanks for understanding!
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