Sort of solved: Change icon in get_in_touch

edited January 2017 in Theme support
I'm listing my office number as Phone and my cell number as Phone 2nd in the Contact Box. When displayed, both use the icon-phone icon. I would like to change the cell phone to use the icon-mobile icon. Here is what I have so far in my Custom CSS. The first line is just a test to make sure I'm getting to the right spot. And indeed, I can successfully change the background of the cell phone's icon. The second line is my attempt to change the icon but it's not working. How do I change the phone-2 icon to use icon-mobile?

.get_in_touch ul .icon i.icon-phone { background-color: #0000FF !important; }
.get_in_touch ul .icon i.icon-phone { class: "icon-mobile" !important; }



  • Hi,

    this requires files customization what in reference to Item Support Policy is not allowed. So if you want to modify files and don't know how, you should contact with your web developer.

    Thanks for understanding!
  • I know how and where to customize the file. But I was hoping there was a Custom CSS option around it so I don't have to keep re-customizing that file every week with the weekly updates.
  • This is not possible with custom css unfortunately.
  • edited April 2016
    It is possible. I just now figured out how, now that you pointed me to Theme-Customization in the documentation:

    .get_in_touch .phone-2 .icon-phone:before { content: '\e8ad' !important; }

    And now I can take out that hacked up .php file.
  • Wow, that's great news. Glad to see you found this custom code.
  • Problem: Somewhere along the way, the icon codes were changed in some theme update. Now '\e8ad' points to icon-klout. So I had to find out where icon-mobile moved to. It is now at '\e8db'.

    It is bad practice for me to use the code, '\e8db', because you might move it around, with good reason, I'm sure. So I should be able to specify icon-mobile, then you can move it as desired.

    But it doesn't look like you've yet provided a way to specify icons for get_in_touch via CSS. Could you add this to your enhancement request list? Thanks,
  • Thanks for your suggestion, we will consider your request while future updates.
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