uninstalling/deleting demo content; how do I know what plugins are required for which demo
I have two questions, so please forgive me.
1. How do I uninstall demo content entirely?
I wanted to install the Hotel demo content and not realizing there are two hotel demos, I stupidly installed the wrong one. I then installed the one I wanted, but now I have duplicates of everything AND my site is bloated.
I am very FTP-savvy so I can delete directories easily, but I don't necessarily want to delete and reinstall BeTheme all over again!
2. How do I know what plugins are required with which demo?
I'm trying to keep my theme as light as possible.
Thank you in advance.
1. To uninstall demo, you can use WP Reset plugin. But please remember that this plugin removes everything (posts, pages, settings, etc). Your WP will be as clear as after first installation. After re-installation, you can import demo once again.
2. For most demos we use Contact Form 7 and Revolution Slider (if slider exist). But basically, you don't need to use any of those plugins if you don't want because plugins are optional only.
Additionally, we would like to answer on the questions from comments section where question was duplicate partially:
1st Menu items are duplicate because you imported demo twice. And it's not true that you did the import only once. You did it twice.
2nd Looks like you did the hotel demo and then did the import of default layout and that's why content is mixed.